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Rush list


Music throughout the film is epic battle rap length 2:31:11 the end of the track leaves a 1 sec gap and place car crash audio.

Do not use any audio from film clips or effects clips just visual only


Use traffic time-lapse blended in between clips to show a whole day


  • Use clip sunset/sunrise clip marked @ 13 sec to 34:18 sec blend in phrase “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." Winston Churchill

  • Blend into traffic time-lapse start at mark set @ 14 sec

  • Use clip 12 marked @ 36 sec to 45 sec

  • Use clip 2 marked @ 48 sec to 59:19

  • Use clip 3 marked @ 22 sec to 28 sec

  • Use clip 4 marked @ 22 sec to 31 sec

  • Use clip 8 marked @ 40 sec to 52 sec

  • Use clip 7 marked @ 13:15 sec to 22 sec

  • Use clip 10 marked @ 54 sec to 1:16:28

  • Use clip 6 marked @ 19:06 to 24:24 then mark 24:25 to 29:18 followed by mark 1:37:21 to 1:42:06

  • Use clip 11 marked @ 3:49:08 to 3:53:00 slow down x2

  • Use clip sunset/sunrise marked @ 1:02:00 to 1:19:15

  • Leave 2 sec gap insert blast effect with PECKING ORDER to end film link with car crash impact from audio  


Total film length 00:02:35:21

Tasks 3 & 4

While editing and producing my final cut I showed my short film to my fellow students for feedback and their opinon oh what they saw i took all their views on board and reajusted my film before coming up with my final cut.

These comments consisted of the sound levels being all over the place instead of being a constant level also the time lapse inbetween found footage was too long as making it more clear on what my sense of place is.



Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
Unknown Track - Unknown Artist

This piece of footage was shot with a 4K camera with using a 4K camera it uses a lot of memory up if using cards this is why on set editing is used which adds cost to on set filming but at the same time saves time on getting video product to post-production. Next time for this sort of event i would proberly just use my normal cannon 750d as this would give me greater scope with the option to take photos through out the film acting as stills.Also with the cannon you can interchange lenses giving a bigger scope for different types of shots and the from a memory point of view where with the 4K it has one fixed lens to zoom in and out and 4k film on a 32gb memory card only lasts 20 mins

Wide using 15-85mm

f/3.5-5.6 lens

Extreme Wide using 15-85mm

f/3.5-5.6 lens (right)

The two pictures above show the difference you can achieve with contrast the picture on the left is a much better picture to use at the event as it is not too light but also not too dark. This in turn will give you better shots of people as well as you can see the screen as well.The left picture also gives more detail and more contrast in colours as well as black and white.


mid shot using 50mm

close up 50mm lens

Following my formative feedback from Amanda here are things that worked well or did not work so well, why and effect the settings had.

with the five pictures above the first two i changed the ISO from 800 to 400 with the same F5.6 and 1/50 shutter speed as you can tell the picture on the left is more fitting for the setting as it shows more detail to the ares making it easier to see people where the one on the right would be great as a promotional picture for the venue as it shows inviting and relaxing atmosphere.

With the pictures below I was going for more of interment as it was for a birthday party the settings I used were on a low ISO with F16 and 1/200 I also used light room to add detail and effects such as the black and white picture i also used the sharpening tool to sharpen the image to give more depth and real life feel to the pictures all the pictures below were taken with a 50mm lens, the reason for me using just this one lens is to give me experience of that one lens and what it can and can't do also it is the closes lens that works very similar to the human eye.

Unit 77


LO2 M2, D1


When using cameras for motion picture you have decide what type of film will you be shooting for example 16mm film or full HD/4K.

Each aspect of film equipment brings with its different types of shots and effects but also you have to consider that producing a 4k or developing 16mm footage will a more expense to your film budget. With the use of modern technology you can get a lot of the effects need through post-production and production, the example I would use for this is you can film in normal res then in post-production export the footage as 4K this is great if you don’t have the budget or means to use a 4k camera but still get the desired effect.

With the lens aspect of motion picture, you have to consider the shot or scene you are filming for instance you would use a 50mm lens to film a wide-angle landscape shot the best option for this would be 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 lens for a cannon camera or 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 lens on a Nikon.


Ideal Focal Lengths for Landscapes

  • 21mm (The Sweet Spot)

  • 24mm (Still Good but Getting Narrower)

  • 27mm (The In-Between Focal Length)

  • 35mm to 50mm (Great for Landscape Detail Shots)

  • Telephoto (50mm+)


The same goes on motion shot weather best to use a camera on a track or use a Ronin for tracking shots also using 50mm lens is very similar to the human eye so this lens is great for close up to mid shots and with the effects of being able to have the foreground blurred and background clear or the other way around.

Full A/V, film and Photography

Feedback follow up

To the left are some shots taken from above and below using different technics to achieve a professional look and image.

In these shots all used was a 50mm on a manual setting and manual focus.

Above is an example of a risk assessment that I had to fill out for an event I did this fits in well as most location filming will need risk assessments done as well as fire risk 


Above is my production plan and risk assessment used for unit 9 and 7 as for this unit I used complete found footage also under the film practice tab you will find examples of all pre-production documents

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